20/ian Tetelu si Trump

Salut la Tetelejurnal, hello America and congratulations mistar president Trump! Astazi a avut la Washington spectacolul de milioane si miliarde de dolari prin care s-a investit Donald Trump in functia de presedinte al Americii - cum ar veni, cel mai puternic om de pe planeta, sa moara Ciprian. A fost prezenti sa caste gura acolo din partea Romaniei domnii Liviu Dragnea si premierul Sorin Grindineanu, care i-a sponsorizat partidul sa vada ce gagici beton are Donald Trump la Casa Alba. Cu acest prilej, vreau sa-i transmit presedintelui Americii o scrisoare deschisa, ca din partea lui Tetelu si a populimii din tarisoara noastra.


Dear Mister President Trump, I want to congratulate you for screwing Missis Hilary Clinton, she hasn't recovered yet, she's still under the table. America and the entire world was in need of a president with balls, like you. I am sure that all the stupidities you said in the elections campaign, for the pupils to vote for you, you already have thrown in tha garbage can. You have in Romania a trustful ally,  which with the two F16 airplains is the strogest partner of The United states from the Teleorman county. If you send other planes for the scrap please send them to us because we pay good , especially now when Liviu Dragnea (t06) has raised our pensions and salaries. I hope that your first oficial visit abroad will include our country, where we have an airport, two small finished  highways and many shopping malls with shaorma. If you don't like Vatra Dornei,or  sledding we invite you at Techirgiol, where we have the best mud wraps for the dick, because we saw you like to plug with it women in russian hotels. Come over here, we have sluts better than in Russia. Don't come next days because  the rapists over 60 years old are getting pardoned and Missis Melania is in danger. One more time, congratulations Mr. President Trump and take care of us, because if you leave with Deveselu rockets, we are gonne be so  fucked by Putin and Dodon that we won't know our names with our passports in the hand.



' Si acum, un mesaj in limba slovena pentru prima doamna a Americii, Melania Trump.

Dragi Melanie, moj del največje na svetu, kot so. Ljubim te in te spoštuje kot Denise kot Flory. Kot ženska si naše zemljišča slovensko in vedo, kaj sranje je z Rusi v vzhodni Evropi, obvestite svojega moža, ne da nas pusti v rokah, kot smo drek sami. Putin Slaščičarna nas takoj. Prosimo, da se pridružijo v Romuniji, imam mrtvo babico Worcester, ki je imel staro hišo, in hiša je prazna zdaj. Imajo najemnino za življenje z otrokom na počitnice, da gredo na pohod v Karpatih, da bi konja sani, jedo salame in sir ovce, da so Američani tam. To je preveč lepa država, ki je ostal v rokah Rusov. Brez ZDA so sranje, kot sem bil v času komunističnega in ti to veš tako kot je bilo, ko je bil v Jugoslaviji in Sloveniji. Torej sklene z željo: Naj živi Slovenija, Amerika in Romunijo. Vse najboljše v Belo hišo! Likuri si friendsheep la tot internetul.

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